Our first blog post. And new web site.

A new beginning...
Change for some is hard, but at some point it is necessary to grow and make everything better for everyone. So we now say goodbye to an old friend (our legacy web site of ten years).. the site that hung in there and took a lot of beating, crashed several times, and that has been banned from several email servers (I have no idea why.) Our customers were so patient waiting to get their orders in the mail and rarely questioned or called.. (When I did indeed send tracking numbers and sent notifications and promotions). Now, a new web site is here. The new KAMUI USA store. Three months in the making and four solid weeks of countless hours of work... It is here. She is stronger, faster, and way more powerful than ever. Please take the time to explore and do not hesitate to ask any questions. The KAMUI Team is here to help you.